The Night Bazaar is on Chang Klan road, between the old city and the river to the east. The old city of Chiang Mai is a 1.6 x 1.6 kilometer square (a square mile) surrounded by a moat.
The night bazaar is a daily evening market, mainly for tourist shopping. Things you can buy include t-shirts, elephant trousers (every tourist needs one), souvenirs, paintings (you can have your portrait painted), shoes, etc. There is a food court nearby, with live music.
Near the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar area you will find many hotels and guesthouses ranging from 0 to 5 stars. It’s a good place to stay as you will enjoy shopping for souvenirs in the cooler evening hours. The area has also a choice of restaurants, food courts and bars providing entertainment for young and old. A good place to visit is the Boy Blues Bar, which offers great life music every day except Sunday.
The following photos give an impression of Chiang Mai's night bazaar: