Backswimmers are true bugs that belong to the family Notonectidae. As the name suggests, they swim upside down.
Bagworm moths
Bagworm moths are moths belonging to the family Psychidae. They arae also called bagworms or bagmoths. The caterpillars of these moths build a protective “bag” in which they can hide.
Balloon flies
Balloon flies are flies belonging to the family Empididae. They are also called dagger flies because some species have sharp piercing mouthparts.
Bark beetles
The name bark beetles is used for beetles in the subfamily Scolytinae. Many of these species feed in the inner bark layer of trees.
Bark-gnawing beetles
Bark-gnawing beetles are beetles in the family Trogossitidae.
Bat bugs
Bat bugs are true bugs that live as blood-sucking parasites feeding mainly on the blood of bats.
Bat flies
Bat flies are true flies that live as external parasites of bats.
Two species of bugs in the genus Cimex are known as bed bugs. Cimex species are parasites that feed on the blood of birds and mammals, but these bed bugs often feed on humans.
Bees are a group of insects in the order Hymenoptera, which are insects with membranous wings. Bees are related to wasps and ants. They are important pollinators and some species are producing honey.
Beetles are insects in the order Coleoptera. Insects in this order have a hardened pair of front wings. These front wings form hard shell-like structures which must be raised to allow the softer hind wings to move for flying.
Bess beetles
Bess beetles are beetles in the family Passalidae. They are also know as bessbugs, or betsy beetles.
Billbugs are weevils or snout beetles that belong to the beetle family Curculionidae. The larvae can be a pest of grasses and cause damage to lawns.
Bird lice
Bird lice are insects in the order Phthiraptera which live as parasites on warm-blooded animals, especially birds. Bird lice have chewing mouthparts and feed on feathers, skin, or blood.
Biting midges
Biting midges are tiny flies in the family Ceratopogonidae. They are usually just 1–3 mm in length and commonly known as no-see-ums. Most females feed on the blood of vertebrates, including humans.
Black flies
A black fly is a true fly in the fly family Simuliidae. Sometimes they are called a buffalo gnat, turkey gnat, or white socks. Most black flies feed on the blood of mammals,
Blackfly is another name for the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae). The blackfly is a major agricultural pest.
Blister beetles
Blister beetles are beetles of the family Meloidae. They defend themselves by secreting a blistering liquid and they often have bright warning colours.
Blow flies
Blow flies are true flies in the family Calliphoridae. They are also called carrion flies, bluebottles, greenbottles, or cluster flies.
Blue butterflies
Blue butterflies or simple blues are butterflies belonging to the subfamily Polyommatinae.
Boll weevil
The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) is a snout beetle that feeds on cotton buds and flowers. It is a major pest of cotton.
Borer beetles
The name borer beetle or woodboring beetle is used for many species and families of beetles whose larvae or adults eat wood. Also called woodworm.
Bot flies
Botflies are true flies belonging to the family Oestridae. Their larvae are internal parasites of mammals. Botflies are also called warble flies, heel flies, or gadflies.
Braconids are wasps in the family Braconidae. It is a family of parasitoid wasps. Their larvae are internal or external parasitoids of other insects, such as beetles and butterflies.
Branch borers
Branch borer is another name for twig borer. They ar beetles or moths of which the larvae chew holes in small branches or twigs.
Bristletails are small wingless insects. There are several unrelated groups of insects for which the name is bristgletail is used.
Brush-footed butterflies
The brush-footed butterflies or four-footed butterflies are butterflies in the family Nymphalidae. It is the largest family of butterflies.
The name bumblebee (or bumble bee) is used for bee species in the genus Bombus. They are generally plump and furry insects.
Butterflies are insects in the order Lepidoptera, which also includes moths. They have four scale-covered wings, often with bright colours.